
How To Create A Slideshow In Dreamweaver Cs6

  • How to drag images with Dreamweaver CS6?

    How to drag images with Dreamweaver CS6? Please teach me.

    Dreamweaver has no functionality built int to create a slideshow (there no Slide Show behavior for example), then you either have to get the code from a third party source, or write it yourself.

    The simplest script slideshow I met is jQuery Cycle2.

  • Problems inserting image in Dreamweaver CS6 Mac

    My Dreamweaver CS6 Mac stopped allowing the insertion of image through any method (drag and drop, menu, etc.). It also gives an error message when you try to customize the Favorites panel insert object. Can anyone help?

    This error message?

    Have you tried the #12 & #4 which is usually offered?

  • Is there an iPad Viewer Dreamweaver CS6

    I wanted to know if the latest version of Dreamweaver in CS6 it will have an ability to see what your Web site on an iPad will look like.  Many customers want to see how their site on one will look more iPad than any other camera.

    I found this site have an ot of articles on iPad apps useful too, but no mention of the latest version of Dreamweaver displays a site as seen on an iPad. Please hold me!

    Peter Marino

    Chief Web Designer

    Why you do not download the XCode? It is available free from

    You have an iOS Simulator that comes with XCode with which you can simulate Web pages on iOS Devices and applications.

    CS6 is supposed to have redesigned PhoneGap support with a new emulator that can test the apps page layouts / HTML you generate in DW. More on that here: b

    You can also get the latest version of PhoneGap directly here:

  • How to make an image in Dreamweaver CS6 Non-cliquable?

    I want to do one of my images to email html unclickable.  The reason is that, when a recipient receives the html email, they are able to click on areas of the 'Image' where no link associated with the image.  This particular image I do not decide, Photoshop automatically cuts this image when "saved in HTML format" of the original pdf file.

    The result when the user clicks on the image unrelated is - image (only partial) opens.  So, basically, I just want to (image) part of the unclickable email so it does not OPEN.

    Here's the URL for the file:

    Once open, select all, copy and paste to email such as Outlook client and send an account Gmail.  This happens only to a user who opens Gmail via Chrome in a Windows 7 machine.  But nevertheless, I still want to write the code in the HTML body of the given image online (not the header as Gmail removes the header) to make the unclickable image.

    PLEASE NOTE: In the URL above, the file works as I love it too.  In other words, the area that I refer to is "Unclickable" (upper and lower CENTER), then you won't know what I'm referring too because it only happens in Gmail/W7/Chrome Version 45.0.2454.101 m.

    Looks like you say that about W7 Chrome, non-Gmail images are clickable.

    If this is the case, as an experiment, try attaching a null (#) link to images that you don't want not clickable. and see how he handles the Chrome.

    I do not know if this platform displays a cursor hand on unrelated images, but you can add this CSS inline.


  • Why can't I view the TypeKit fonts in Dreamweaver CS6?

    • • • • • • • • •

    Hey everybody,

    Simple task, yet so difficult to realize: I use Dreamweaver CS6 to build my Web site. I have the "Museo-without" families of police published on my website via TypeKit. In Dreamweaver, after you have added the line of JavaScript to the head of the document and refrencing the time in CSS, it is impossible for me to see the real police I saw live or view it in my browser. It doesn't show until I have download on my web server. Its impossible to download on my web server every time just to see what looks like the site with that font. I even added the 'localhost' and '' IP in settings Kit of TypeKit. Nothing shows the actual fonts in dreamweaver.

    I spent my whole Saturday trying to achieve this simple task, without success - its beginning to discurage me and I'm almost ready to make all the text, an image and end with this headache would cause.

    I would be very grateful for any help anyone might have on the subject!

    Thank you kindly,


    • • • • • • • • •

    The answer is in this video Adobe TV by Paul Trani: t /.

    The answer comes right at the end of the video. In a Word, adding localhost for the parameters of your Kit alone is not enough. You also need a local web server on your computer. In the video of Paul, it is running MAMP (for Mac). Under Windows, you can run XAMPP.

    Judging by the video of Paul, you should always use the preview in browser. However, I think that if you set up a test server in your Dreamweaver site definition, you should also be able to see the fonts in Live view mode.

    If you are not familiar with the implementation of a test and MAMP/XAMPP server, see my tutorial at The tutorial is for testing of PHP, but you can also use MAMP/XAMPP to test regular .html pages.

  • My site, created using Dreamweaver cs6 shows only partial images. He worked until a few days ago when I updated Java and Firefox.

    My site, created using Dreamweaver cs6 shows only partial images.
    He worked until a few days ago when I updated Java and Firefox.
    The URL is j - f -

    The images are not entirely loading or do you have other problems?

    You can attach a screenshot?

    • Use a type of compressed as PNG or JPG image to save the screenshot
    • Make sure you do not exceed the maximum size of 1 MB

    I noticed that some images show at the right end of the window and have set width: auto (right: 0px; width: auto) set the width according to the dimensions of the image (i.e. maintain proportions) and others fill the width full page.

    You can try the following steps in case of problems with web pages:

    You can reload webpages and ignore the cache to refresh potentially stale or corrupt.

    • Hold down the SHIFT key and click the Reload button
    • Press 'Ctrl + F5' or 'Ctrl + Shift + R' (Windows, Linux)
    • Press 'Command + shift + R' (Mac)

    Clear the cache and delete cookies only from Web sites that cause problems.

    "Clear the Cache":

    • Firefox/tools > Options > advanced > network > content caching Web: 'clear now '.

    'Delete Cookies' sites causing problems:

    • Firefox/tools > Options > privacy > "Use the custom settings for history" > Cookies: "show the Cookies".

    Start Firefox in Safe Mode to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/tools > Modules > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is the cause of the problem.

    • Put yourself in the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/tools > Modules > appearance
    • Do NOT click on the reset button on the startup window Mode safe
  • Can someone help me? PNG image does not appear on Dreamweaver cs6

    Can someone help me? PNG image does not appear on Dreamweaver cs6,

    Why its display with blue bg? his strange appearance... !!


    Thanks for your reply...

    Well, the problem was on the mode of the image. It is in gray scale, when it changed to RGB-image works fine...

    Once again thank you!

  • Center Spry based Image slide show on the Web page in Dreamweaver Cs6?

    Hi, I'm working on a website for a client in Dreamweaver CS6: How to Center a Spry based Image slideshow on the pages? I tried a few options and nothing has been effective, anyone? Thank you, Amanda

    This change in your code...

    for this...

    Then in your css, add this...


    Width: 500px;

    margin: auto;


  • Hover over the images does not not using HTML in Dreamweaver CS6


    I create a HTML code which can be sent as an email and online. I want to create a roll over image for 12 images in a table. I used the image from Dreamweaver's Insert-HTML-reversal feature to produce this code

    < tr align = 'center' text-align = "center" valign = "top" >

    " < td bgcolor ="#FFFFFF"width ="200"style =" line-height: 100% "> < p > < font color =" #695 d 54 "face ="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"size ="2"margin:"Center"> < a href =" 'MM_swapImgRestore"onmouseover ="MM_swapImage ('Blog 9', ",'' 1)" > < img src = " " "alt =" attention... Leadership could Get Loud"width ="200"height ="135"id ="Blog9"/ > < /a > < br / > attention... Leadership could Get Loud < / police > < / p >

    BUT the image remains static in Dreamweaver and when you preview in browsers does not roll on one.

    I searched through the forums and found this code that displays the roll over into Dreamweaver and when preview you in a browser, BUT does not appear when you paste and send.

    < tr align = 'center' text-align = "center" valign = "top" >

    " < td bgcolor ="#FFFFFF"width ="200"style =" line-height: 140% "> < p > < font color =" #695 d 54 "face ="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"size ="2"> < a href =" "> < img src = ' " "alt ="development: prospects for the rider A" width = "200" height = "135" id = "Blog10" onmouseover = "this.src =" " " '" onmouseout = "this.src =" " ' "/ > < / has > development: prospects for the rider A < / police > < /p > < table > .

    I read many forums who hate the use of inline HTML styles but that's what our company uses so I can't use CSS. I read somewhere about JavaScript, but I don't yet know much JS.

    Does anyone have recommendations?

    Thanks to anyone who can help!

    It's like spitting on a volcano.  JavaScript does not send.  These behaviors of bearing MM will do nothing.  So don't waste any more time on this.

    Keep in mind that many e-mail systems (me included) block images for security reasons.  If most of the people will not see the main images unless they click on an attached file.

    What you need to know - HTML email & Newsletter blasts -

    Nancy O.

  • Why Dreamweaver CS6 responsive web site publishes not too sensitive?

    Hi, this is Mary.

    I'm a NEWBIE at this.

    I just finished (or so I thought) create my first website. It was created using

    "layouts fluid grid ' with Dreamweaver CS6 and HTML5. I took many tutorials online.

    I've created this site SPECIFICALLY to find the good in the sight of smartphone (480px and less).

    The site is 6 pages in total.

    All display in browsers perfectly - they look correct to the office, laptop and smartphone views.

    All have been approved by the for validation.

    However, now that I launched the site with my hosting company, the 'look' that I get on the

    Smartphone is what you see on the desktop of the shrivelled restraint - as if none of the gridcontainer

    settings are recognized.

    The domain name is

    Screen Shot 2015-09-23 at 3.23.06 PM.png

    Here is the code for the container of the grid:

    @charset "UTF-8";

    / * Simple fluids

    Note: Fluid requires that you remove the attributes height and width of the media of the HTML


    IMG, object, embed, {video

    Max-width: 100%;


    / * IE 6 doesn't support max-width so 100% width by default * /.

    . IE6 img {}

    Width: 100%;



    Properties Grid Dreamweaver fluid


    DW-num-CLO-mobile: 5;

    DW-num-CLO-Tablet: 8;

    DW-num-OCOL-Office: 9;

    DW-gutter-percentage: 13;

    Inspiration of "Responsive Web Design" by Ethan Marcotte

    Golden by Joni Korpi grid system and


    / * Mobile layout: 480px and below. */


    left margin: auto;

    margin-right: auto;

    Width: 87%;

    padding-left: 8%;

    padding-right: 8%;

    background-color: #FFFFFF;

    background-image: url(400%);


    #header {}

    float: left;

    left margin: 0px;

    Width: 100%;


    #main {}

    Clear: both;

    float: left;

    left margin: 0;

    Width: 95%;

    display: block;



    Clear: both;

    background-color: #6699ff;

    float: left;

    display: block;

    Width: 100%;


    #footer {}

    Clear: both;

    float: left;

    left margin: 0px;

    Width: 100%;

    display: block;


    / * Tablet Layout: 481px to 768px. Inherits the styles of: Mobile layout. */

    @media only screen and (min-width: 481px) {}


    Width: 93%;

    padding-left: 12%;

    padding-right: 1%;


    #main {}

    Clear: both;

    float: left;

    left margin: 0;

    Width: 95%;

    display: block;


    #header {}

    float: left;

    left margin: 0;

    Width: 100%;

    display: block;



    Clear: none;

    float: left;

    left margin: 0px;

    Width: 100%;

    display: block;


    #footer {}

    Clear: both;

    float: left;

    left margin: 0;

    Width: 100%;

    display: block;



    / * Office Layout: 769px to a maximum of 1232px.  Inherits the styles of: Mobile and tablet. */

    @media only screen and (min-width: 769px) {}


    Width: 85%;

    Max-width: 960px;

    padding-left: 12%;

    padding-right: 0.5752%;

    margin: auto;


    #main {}

    Clear: both;

    float: left;

    left margin: 0;

    Width: 95%;

    display: block;


    #header {}

    Clear: both;

    float: left;

    left margin: 0;

    Width: 100%;

    display: block;



    Clear: none;

    float: left;

    left margin: 0px;

    Width: 100%;

    display: block;


    #footer {}

    Clear: both;

    float: left;

    left margin: 0;

    Width: 100%;

    display: block;



    Thank YOU for your interest in helping a novice!

    (I don't know if anything else I should including here.)


    Its a simple oversight that make many, forget to add the viewport meta tag to thesection of the page:

  • Drag and drop images in Dreamweaver

    I been meaning to ask this for a while. Cannot drag images using live view in Dreamweaver Cs6. Windows 7. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. This happens randomly on all three machines. What is the cause. It's one of those that you see countless people who say exactly the same thing, same thing, but not answers. Aggravating circumstances. Any help?

    I'm sure that you have never been able to drag-and - drop an image in Live view, not even mode on the latest version of Dreamweaver.

    To learn more, see here help Dreamweaver | Insert and edit images

  • Adobe dreamweaver cs6 has stopped


    I use Adobe dreamweaver cs6 lawsuits. I open any file, and then click view the Code. The program is not responding. The error message "Adobe Dreamweaver cs6 stopped" and the program closed.

    I reinstalled it. It blocks DW to close.

    I am running Windows 7 ultimate x 64 sp1, q2630, ram8gb, nvidia gt540m corei7 processor

    I thank you,


    I would like to offer my two bits on how I personally seemed to have solved this problem.

    Quick background; Dreamweaver cling every 30 to 90 seconds for a minute or two each time. It was perhaps the worst ever experience I've ever had with the software; in particular, a piece of software that I used constantly.

    This and other wire that seem to all agree that the problem is with Dreamweaver "leaving this file" and out the data of this file; like images, scripts, etc.

    I disabled all the settings that are recommended, as not running java script, etc. Nothing helps.

    Finally it dawned on me that a bunch of sites I worked on were not defined as 'sites' in Dreamweaver. I've been using filezlla for FTP and simply opened up filezilla. Dreamweaver has been, I suppose, treating them as independent pages rather than part of a site like some time. I guess that because Dreamweaver doesn't realize that these are all the links on the page (which makes no sense because the images show up... but no matter), he feels a need to browse the internet or something for these links.

    But who knows, he seems to have solved my problem for now. (30 minutes in, fingers crossed).

    TL/DR: Make sure that the page you are working on is part of a site defined in the menu "site" then go to "new site" or "manage site".

  • Installation of Dreamweaver CS6 on Lion seems to have broken the video playback

    Last night I was able to play videos on the Adobe site (for example, CS6 & Creative characteristic cloud Tower for the Web) on Safari and Chrome. After downloading and installing Dreamweaver CS6, I can't play these videos. Loading of the page, but the display still blacked out. I checked that I was still able to play the videos on another computer on the same local network. Also, I have confirmed that I can still play videos on YouTube. It just seems to be the Adobe website that broke.

    My computer is a Mac Pro running OS X Lion. I installed CS6 using an administrator account and restarted after the complete installation.

    Anyone run into a similar problem?

    Please try to install it. Maybe it's just a coincidence that just before the download of Dreamweaver, I could see the videos and after installation, I could not. These things happen, unfortunately.

    I found some similar problems in any other Forums Adobe. I went into the settings of the Flash, active the option to third parties save Flash components and added and as trusted sites. Now I'm able to view the videos again.

  • What is Dreamweaver CS6 work under MacOS Sierra?

    For the people of Adobe, read this: 10 years ago, I bought Macromedia Studio which included Dreamweaver. After that, I upgraded to the CS6

    Now, I am in terms of photography.

    I love Dreamweaver and I use it a few times a month. I'm not a professional. In any case I use it enough to pay €24,-/ month for a subscription of the CC of Adobe.

    El Capitan CS6 Dreamweaver OSX works pretty well. Image-icons are missing in the file browser.

    But very soon MacOS Sierra is coming (in about 1 week?) And now, I've read there is a compatibility issue with Dreamweaver CS6.

    macOS Sierra 10.12: compatible Apps | MacRumors Forums

    I would like to know if there are users of DW CS6 who has already experienced this problem...

    Maybe it will be fixed with the final version of the Sierra. But maybe not. And it will mean the end of me to be able to use Dreamweaver. :-(

    I bought CS6 4 years. I think it is absurd that it becomes unusable so early.

    CS6 released in 2012 is now 8 versions behind the current CC 2015.3.  And it is not certified to run on the operating systems Windows 7 or OS x 10.7.  If it works on El Capitan, great!  You can continue to use it for another 3-4 years.  Just do not upgrade to Sierra until you're ready to raise a creative level Cloud.

    Nancy O.

  • How To Create A Slideshow In Dreamweaver Cs6


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