
How To Draw Fire With Markers

How To Draw Flames

Yes, I admit. To draw flames may not be so easy. But after you see and learn some simple techniques I am showing here, you will draw whatever flames you like.

We are going to draw 2 simple pictures of flames.

First drawing is a small campfire that I made only by pencil and the second is a symbolic fire or symbolic flame drawing in color.

Actually the second one is quite popular.

You can find similar paintings on cars and motorbikes.

It may symbolize heat and speed. It's a kind of cartoon expression anyway. You are going to love this!

How To Draw Flames
Step By Step

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Let's take a closer look at this picture. Maybe someone told you that to draw flames of a campfire is difficult. Today, you are going to make your own perfect campfire drawing!

Drawing flames with pencil

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Draw an ellipse. Ellipse represents the size of the flames or fire. Into the same ellipse, draw a couple of flames.

Yes, I know, now these "flames" look rather like seaweeds but just keep on drawing and follow my instructions.

Drawing flames with pencil

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Hold your pencil tilted and draw some shade into the flames.

Drawing flames with pencil

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Here you can add - draw more flames into the picture so it will look more realistic.

Drawing flames with pencil

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Draw again more flames especially on the bottom the fire. Do this by holding your pencil tilted.

When you draw flames by pencil, it is good to draw the fire darker in the bottom and lighter towards the top.

I encourage you to use your fantasy and add as many flames as you feel necessary.

Now make some sharper rough pencil contours of each flame. Draw it like a quick sketch.

Drawing flames with pencil

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Let's sketch - outline some firewood under the flames. The shapes and size of the wood doesn't really matter much, play with it, and use your fantasy.

Drawing flames with pencil

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Work out the firewood so that it looks like a wood. Erase the ellipse remaining from initial drawing.

Now you are ready to add this fire a little realistic look. A campfire is supposed to be enjoyed at night, so the surroundings are also supposed to be dark.

By slightly tilted pencil, draw a circle of light around the flames, first only by very weak pencil strokes.

Direction of pencil strokes should be oriented out of the fire.

Drawing flames with pencil

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Now just draw more pencil strokes over the previous layer and gradually darken the outer part of the picture. Good! Now, you have not only learned ho to draw flames but also how to draw a campfire at night.

Draw Flames for Decoration

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These types of flames are quite trendy among car and motorbike lovers. Actually these flames are much easier to draw than the previous campfire flames.

How to draw decoration flames step by step

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Again, draw an ellipse. This ellipse is a guideline or guide-ellipse into which you are going to draw the flames.

Hold your pencil tilted and begin to draw simple wider lines as you see on the picture.

How to draw decoration flames step by step

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Just draw flames - draw more branches on the main flame legs that would fit into the ellipse. You don't need to exactly copy my drawing, but rather try to draw your own fantasy.

How to draw decoration flames step by step

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Here you are going to decide the final shape and width of each flame. Simply draw the outline contours in similar fashion as on this picture.

Experiment also with your own creativity if possible.

How to draw decoration flames step by step

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Gently erase the whole drawing, but not completely. Leave very weak outlines of the flames.

How to draw decoration flames step by step

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Now, take a red pencil and draw flames again over the formerly erased contours. After you are done, erase all the rest of the pencil lines.

How to draw decoration flames step by step

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Draw the lower half of flames in yellow.

How to draw decoration flames step by step

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The tip of the flames will be in red. Enlarge the picture to see how the red gradually fades into the yellow.

How to draw decoration flames step by step

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Now your drawing looks like real hot flames! You can finish your flames drawing at this point or…

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….draw a black pencil contour accent around the flames.

Visitors Personal Gallery Pages

Please see and enjoy the following collection of personal galleries. We all believe you will have a lot of fun. Observing other's art work is always, always very inspirational. You may get some new ideas for your own drawings.

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How To Draw Fire With Markers


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