How To Draw A Rocking Chair
1. A piece of furniture designed to accommodate one sitting or reclining person, providing support for the back and often the arms and typically standing on four legs.
2. A seat of office, authority, or dignity, such as that of a bishop.
a. An office or position of authority, such as a professorship.
b. A person who holds an office or a position of authority, such as one who presides over a meeting or administers a department of instruction at a college; a chairperson.
4. The position of a player in an orchestra.
5. Slang The electric chair.
6. A seat carried about on poles; a sedan chair.
7. Any of several devices that serve to support or secure, such as a metal block that supports and holds railroad track in position.
tr.v. chaired, chair·ing, chairs
1. To preside over as chairperson: chair a meeting.
2. To install (someone) in a position of authority, especially as a presiding officer.
3. To carry (someone) high off the ground in a chair or in a seated position, especially as a tribute.
[Middle English chaiere, from Old French, from Latin cathedra; see cathedra.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. (Furniture) a seat with a back on which one person sits, typically having four legs and often having arms
2. an official position of authority: a chair on the board of directors.
3. the person chairing a debate or meeting: the speaker addressed the chair.
4. (Education) a professorship: the chair of German.
5. (Railways) railways an iron or steel cradle bolted to a sleeper in which the rail sits and is locked in position
6. (Automotive Engineering) short for sedan chair
7. in the chair chairing a debate or meeting
8. take the chair to preside as chairman for a meeting, etc
vb (tr)
10. to preside over (a meeting)
11. Brit to carry aloft in a sitting position after a triumph or great achievement
12. to provide with a chair of office
13. to install in a chair
[C13: from Old French chaiere, from Latin cathedra, from Greek kathedra, from kata- down + hedra seat; compare cathedral]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
1. a seat, esp. for one person having four legs for support, a rest for the back, and often rests for the arms.
2. a seat of office or authority.
3. a position of authority, as of a judge or professor.
4. the person occupying a seat of office or authority, esp. the chairperson of a meeting.
5. (in an orchestra) the position of a player, assigned by rank.
v.t.9. to place or seat in a chair.
10. to install in office.
11. to preside over; act as chairperson of.
12. Brit. to carry (a hero or victor) aloft in triumph.
v.i.13. to preside over a meeting, committee, etc.
[1250–1300; Middle English chaiere < Old French < Latin cathedra; see cathedra]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
– armchair1. 'chair'
A chair is a piece of furniture for one person to sit on, with a support for the person's back. When a chair is a very simple one, you say that someone sits on it.
Anne was sitting on an upright chair.
Sit on this chair, please.
When a chair is a comfortable one, you usually say that someone sits in it.
He leaned back in his chair and looked out of the window.
2. 'armchair'
An armchair is a comfortable chair with a support on each side for your arms. You always say that someone sits in an armchair.
He was sitting quietly in his armchair, smoking a pipe and reading the paper.
– chairperson – chairman – chairwoman1. 'chair' and 'chairperson'
The person in charge of a meeting or organization is referred to as the chair, or sometimes the chairperson. These words can be used to refer to either a man or a woman.
This is Ruth Michaels, chairperson of the Women Returners' Network.
You should address your remarks to the chair.
2. 'chairman'
A chairman is a man who is in charge of a meeting or debate.
The vicar, full of apologies, took his seat as chairman.
The male head of an organization is often referred to as its chairman.
Sir John Hill, chairman of the Atomic Energy Authority, gave the opening speech.
3. 'chairwoman'
In the past, chairman was used to refer to both men and women, but it is now not often used to refer to a woman. The woman in charge of a meeting or organization is sometimes referred to as the chairwoman.
Margaret Downes is this year's chairwoman of the Irish Institute.
Siobhan is a BBC radio journalist, and chairwoman of The Scottish Ballet.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
Past participle: chaired
Gerund: chairing
Imperative |
chair |
chair |
Present |
I chair |
you chair |
he/she/it chairs |
we chair |
you chair |
they chair |
Preterite |
I chaired |
you chaired |
he/she/it chaired |
we chaired |
you chaired |
they chaired |
Present Continuous |
I am chairing |
you are chairing |
he/she/it is chairing |
we are chairing |
you are chairing |
they are chairing |
Present Perfect |
I have chaired |
you have chaired |
he/she/it has chaired |
we have chaired |
you have chaired |
they have chaired |
Past Continuous |
I was chairing |
you were chairing |
he/she/it was chairing |
we were chairing |
you were chairing |
they were chairing |
Past Perfect |
I had chaired |
you had chaired |
he/she/it had chaired |
we had chaired |
you had chaired |
they had chaired |
Future |
I will chair |
you will chair |
he/she/it will chair |
we will chair |
you will chair |
they will chair |
Future Perfect |
I will have chaired |
you will have chaired |
he/she/it will have chaired |
we will have chaired |
you will have chaired |
they will have chaired |
Future Continuous |
I will be chairing |
you will be chairing |
he/she/it will be chairing |
we will be chairing |
you will be chairing |
they will be chairing |
Present Perfect Continuous |
I have been chairing |
you have been chairing |
he/she/it has been chairing |
we have been chairing |
you have been chairing |
they have been chairing |
Future Perfect Continuous |
I will have been chairing |
you will have been chairing |
he/she/it will have been chairing |
we will have been chairing |
you will have been chairing |
they will have been chairing |
Past Perfect Continuous |
I had been chairing |
you had been chairing |
he/she/it had been chairing |
we had been chairing |
you had been chairing |
they had been chairing |
Conditional |
I would chair |
you would chair |
he/she/it would chair |
we would chair |
you would chair |
they would chair |
Past Conditional |
I would have chaired |
you would have chaired |
he/she/it would have chaired |
we would have chaired |
you would have chaired |
they would have chaired |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
A post as a professor of a particular subject at a college or university.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend:
Noun | 1. | ![]() armchair - chair with a support on each side for arms backrest, back - a support that you can lean against while sitting; "the back of the dental chair was adjustable" barber chair - a large fixed adjustable chair in which barbers seat their customers chair of state - a ceremonial chair for an exalted or powerful person chaise, chaise longue, daybed - a long chair; for reclining Eames chair - a chair designed by Charles Eames; originally made of molded plywood; seat and back shaped to fit the human body fighting chair - a fixed chair from which a saltwater angler can fight a hooked fish folding chair - a chair that can be folded flat for storage feeding chair, highchair - a chair for feeding a very young child; has four long legs and a footrest and a detachable tray ladder-back, ladder-back chair - a chair with a ladder-back garden chair, lawn chair - chair left outside for use on a lawn or in a garden leg - one of the supports for a piece of furniture rocking chair, rocker - a chair mounted on rockers seat - furniture that is designed for sitting on; "there were not enough seats for all the guests" side chair, straight chair - a straight-backed chair without arms swivel chair - a chair that swivels on its base tablet-armed chair - a chair with an arm that has been widened for writing wheelchair - a movable chair mounted on large wheels; for invalids or those who cannot walk; frequently propelled by the occupant |
2. | chair - the position of professor; "he was awarded an endowed chair in economics" professorship berth, billet, post, situation, position, office, place, spot - a job in an organization; "he occupied a post in the treasury" | |
3. | ![]() chairman, chairperson, chairwoman, president Kalon Tripa - the chairman of the Kashag and essentially head of the Tibetan government-in-exile presiding officer - the leader of a group meeting vice chairman - one ranking below or serving in the place of a chairman | |
4. | ![]() death chair, electric chair, hot seat instrument of execution - an instrument designed and used to take the life of a condemned person | |
5. | chair - a particular seat in an orchestra; "he is second chair violin" seat - any support where you can sit (especially the part of a chair or bench etc. on which you sit); "he dusted off the seat before sitting down" | |
Verb | 1. | chair - act or preside as chair, as of an academic department in a university; "She chaired the department for many years" chairman head, lead - be in charge of; "Who is heading this project?" |
2. | chair - preside over; "John moderated the discussion" moderate, lead hash out, talk over, discuss - speak with others about (something); talk (something) over in detail; have a discussion; "We discussed our household budget" |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
Types of chair
armchair, banquette, barrel chair, bar stool, basket chair, Bath chair, beanbag, bench, bentwood chair, berbice chair, bergère, bucket seat, campaign chair, camp chair, cane chair, carver, cathedra, corner chair, curule chair, deck chair, dining chair, director's chair, dos-à-dos, easy chair, fauteuil, fiddle-back, folding chair, form, garden chair, gestatorial chair, hassock, highchair, jampan (kneeling chair), ladder-back chair, lounger, milking stool, Morris chair, music stool (office chair), opsitbank (S. Afr.), ottoman, pew, piano stool, platform rocker, pouf or pouffe, reclining chair or recliner, rocking chair or rocker, sedan chair, settle, shooting stick, stool, straight chair, súgán chair, swing, swivel chair, throne, tub chair, wheelchair, window seat, Windsor chair, Windsor rocker, wing chairCollins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
رِئاسَةُ الجَلْسَه كرسي كُرْسي كُرْسي الأسْتاذِيَّه في الجامِعَهكُرْسِيّ
židle předsedat předsednictví stolice
stol formand mødeleder professorat
tuoli puheenjohtaja
fundarstjóri prófessorsembætti stjórna fundi stóll
kėdė keltuvas pirmininkas pirmininkauti pirmininkavimas
katedra krēsls priekšsēdētājs vadīt sapulci
scaun scaune
stol predsedovati
stol ordförande
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
(wooden, metal) → chaise f
a table and 4 chairs → une table et quatre chaises
(= professorship) → chaire f
(at meeting) to be in the chair, to take the chair → présider
vt [+ meeting] → présiderchair lift chairlift [ˈtʃɛərlɪft] n (in skiing) → télésiège m
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
adj to be chair (inf) → einen Schreibtischjob haben
n → Vorsitz m; under the chair of → unter (dem) Vorsitz von
chair umpire
n (Tennis) → Stuhlschiedsrichter(in) m(f)
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(tʃeə) noun1. a movable seat for one person, with a back to it. a table and four chairs. stoel كُرْسي стол cadeira židle der Stuhl stol καρέκλα silla tool صندلی tuoli chaise כִּסֵא कुर्सी stolac szék kursi stóll sedia 椅子 등받이가 있는 의자 kėdė krēsls kerusi stoel stol krzesło چوكۍ: كرسۍ: رئيس (دغونډى cadeira scaun стул stolička stol stolica stol เก้าอี้ sandalye, iskemle 椅子 стілець کرسی ghế 椅子
2. the position of a person who is chairman at a meeting etc. Who is in the chair? voorsittterstoel رِئاسَةُ الجَلْسَه председателско място presidência předsednictví der Vorsitz mødeleder; formand θέση προέδρου presidencia koosoleku juhataja رئیس جلسه puheenjohtaja présidence יושב ראש पीठ predsjednik elnök(ség) ketua fundarstjóri/-stjórn presidente 議長の職 의장 pirmininkavimas vadīt sapulci pengerusi voorzittersshap leder, ordstyrer przewodniczenie د رهیس جلسه presidência preşedinţie председательское место predsedníctvo predsedujoči onaj koji zaseda ordförande[stol] ตำแหน่งประธาน başkan, reis 會議主席的席位 місце головуючого کسی اجتماع کی صدارت کرنے والے شخص کا عہدہ chủ tọa 主持会议的主席(的席位或职位)
3. the office of a university professor. He holds the chair of History at this university. leerstoel, professoraat كُرْسي الأسْتاذِيَّه في الجامِعَه ръководство на катедра cátedra stolice (profesorská) der Lehrstuhl professorat ακαδημαϊκή έδρα cátedra õppetool کرسی استادی دانشگاه yliopiston professorin virka chaire קָתֶדרָה आचार्य पद katedra (egyetemi) tanszék jurusan prófessorsembætti cattedra 教授職 교수 katedra katedra kerusi leerstoel professorat katedra د استاذ چوکی cátedra catedră кафедра kreslo katedra katedra lärostol, professur ตำแหน่งศาสตราจารย์ kürsü 大學教授的職位 кафедра یونیورسٹی پروفیسر کا عہدہ chức giáo sư đại học 大学教授的职位
verbto be chairman at (a meeting etc). He chaired the meeting last night. voorsit, die voorsitterstoel inneem يَرْأَسُ الجَلْسَه председателствам presidir předsedat vorsitzen være mødeleder; være formand προεδρεύω σε presidir juhatama ریست کردن toimia puheenjohtajana présider לַשֶבֶת בְּראש अध्यक्षता निभाना predsjedatelj elnököl mengetuai stjórna fundi presiedere 司会をする 의장이 되다 pirmininkauti vadīt sapulci mempengerusi voorzitten lede, være ordstyrer przewodniczyć ریاست کول presidir a prezida председательствовать predsedať predsedovati predsednikovati vara (sitta som) ordförande ดำรงตำแหน่งประธาน başkanlık etmek 擔任(會議的)主席 головувати صدارت کرنا chủ trì 任(会议的)主席
ˈchairlift nouna set of seats hanging from a cable, used to take skiers etc up a mountain. hysstoel مَقْعَدٌ هَوائي открит лифт teleférico sedačkový výtah, lanovka der Sessellift stolelift (καθίσματα για) εναέρια μεταφορά σκιέρ telesilla köistee تله سیژ tuolihissi télésiège מַעֲלִית סְקִי केबल से लटकी कुर्सी जिसे पहाड़ों पर स्काइर उपयोग करते हैं žičara sa stolcima libegő kursi layang stólalyfta seggiovia リフト 리프트 의자 keltuvas trošu ceļš kerusi layang stoeltjeslift stolheis wyciąg krzesełkowy دولی برقی elevador telescaun кресельный подъёмник sedačková lanovka sedežnica ski-lift sittlift, stollift กระเช้า teleferik (運送滑雪者或遊客上、下山的)登山吊椅 підвісна канатна дорога دو پہاڑوں کے درمیان چلنے والی گاڑی ghế treo trên dây cáp và lên xuống để chở người (运送滑雪者或游客上,下上的)空中缆车
ˈchairman, chairperson, chairwoman nounsa person who takes charge of or directs a meeting. voorsitter رَئيسُ الجَلْسَه председател presidente předseda die/der Vorsitzende formand πρόεδρος presidente; presidenta koosoleku juhataja رئیس جلسه puheenjohtaja président/-ente יושב ראש अध्यक्ष, सभापति predsjedatelj, predsjednik elnök ketua fundarstjóri presidente 議長 의장 pirmininkas, pirmininkė priekšsēdētājs; priekšsēdētāja pengerusi voorzitter formann/-kvinne, leder, ordstyrer przewodniczący د جلسه رهیس presidente preşedinte председатель predseda, -kyňa predsednik, predsednica predsedavajući ordförande ประธาน başkan, reis 主席 голова صدر ، صدر جلسہ ، کرسی نشین chủ tọa 主席
ˈchairmanship nounvoorsitterskap رِئاسَه، ترؤُّس председателство presidência předsednictví der Vorsitz formandsskab; formandsperiode προεδρία presidencia koosoleku juhatajaks olemine ریاست puheenjohtajuus présidence תַּפקִיד יוֹשֵב ראש अध्यक्षता predsjedništvo elnökség jabatan ketua fundarstjórastaða, formennska presidenza 議長の職 의장직 pirmininkavimas priekšsēdētāja amats jawatan pengerusi voorzitterschap lederverv, formannsverv przewodnictwo ریاست presidência preşedinţie председательство predsedníctvo predsedstvo predsedavanje ordförandeskap ความเป็นประธาน başkanlık 主席的職位 обов'язки голови صدارت chức chủ tịch 主席的职位
Address a male chairman as Mr Chairman, and a female chairman as Madam Chairman.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ كُرْسِيّ židle stol Stuhl καρέκλα silla tuoli chaise stolica sedia 椅子 의자 stoel stol krzesło cadeira стул stol เก้าอี้ sandalye ghế 椅子Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
- Do you have a high chair? → هَلْ توْجَدُ كِرَاسِيٌ عَالِيَّةٌ لِلأَطْفَالِ؟ → Máte dětskou jídelní sedačku? → Har I en barnestol? → Haben Sie einen Kinderhochstuhl? → Έχετε καρεκλάκι για μωρά; → ¿Tiene una silla para niños? → Onko teillä syöttötuolia? → Vous avez une chaise haute ? → Imate li stolicu za malu djecu? → Ha un seggiolone? → 子供用の椅子はありますか? → 높은 의자 있나요? → Hebt u een kinderstoel? → Har dere en høy barnestol? → Czy dostanę krzesełko dla dziecka? → O senhor tem uma cadeirinha? → У Вас есть детский стульчик? → Har ni en barnstol? → คุณมีเก้าอี้สำหรับเด็กไหม? → Mama sandalyeniz var mı? → Bạn có ghế ăn dành cho trẻ em không? → 有儿童高脚座椅吗?
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
n silla, sillón m; dental — sillón dental; reclining — silla reclinable
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
How To Draw A Rocking Chair
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